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Worksheets for Multiplication
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Worksheets for Multiplication

Worksheets for Multiplication

multiplication mascot   Welcome to my website! My name is Yvi, the creator and webmaster of this website. "Worksheets for Multiplication" offers you a range of free printable worksheets and paying personalised worksheets for multiplication. Whether you are just starting to learn the multiplication facts, just need to rehurse them or want to exercise your brain , I can keep you (or your children) busy for hours!

  Unique worksheets - Unique approach
Different from computer-generated worksheets, these worksheets are handmade by myself, an experienced teacher, and tested by parents, teachers and math therapists all over the world.

A unique feature of all my worksheets is that they have an answer key included. They also distinguish themself from other worksheets through their playful character and the use of attractive images. Children love them! And so do teachers.

Just download the worksheets you need, print them out and practise! But before you start, don't forget to read the Copyright information on permitted use of the worksheets. Have fun!

example printable worksheet 6 times table



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